COVID-19 Vessel Cleaning Information For The Maritime Industry


To curb the spread of COVID-19, maintaining hygiene and good housekeeping onboard your vessel is essential. Make your workplace safe onboard a vessel and help prevent disease transmission by keeping important cleaning information in mind.

Key Points

Here are some fundamental points to note for COVID-19 vessel cleaning and disinfection:

  • Clean and disinfect as often as possible. At a minimum, cleaning and disinfection should be done when the day starts, midday, and at the end of the day.
  • Do not share tools, clothing, gloves, and food. When sharing is unavoidable, disinfect before sharing.
  • If you are a transport worker, maritime worker, or EMC transport worker, remember to do these things AT ALL TIMES when travelling in a dedicated conveyance (a vehicle, aircraft, or vessel used to transport exposed maritime workers):
    • Keep a 1.5-metre distance from other people
    • Always wear a surgical face mark
    • Wash hands at all times with soap  and use sanitizer 
    • Cover sneezes and coughs

COVID-19 Vessel Cleaning Tips

According to the Western Australia Department of Health, the following must be complied with for COVID vessel cleaning:

For facilities:

  1. Cleaning protocols must be strictly followed. The affected site should be closed off prior to cleaning and disinfection. Windows and doors are to be opened to let air circulate.
  2. Do a 2-step cleanse. Hard surfaces must be cleaned with a detergent having a neutral PH and water. Afterwards, use a TGA-approved disinfectant for COVID-19.
  3. After cleaning and disinfecting the site, place all PPE and disposable clothes in a rubbish bag, securely tie them, and dispose of these as biohazard waste. 
  4. When using reusable mop heads and any other disposable cleaning products/equipment these should also be disposed of as biohazard waste.     

For dedicated conveyances:

  1. Access to the dedicated conveyance must be restricted before any cleaning can be done.
  2. Ensure all outside doors and windows are open to let air flow before beginning to clean and disinfect.
  3. Dedicated conveyances must be cleaned and disinfected, beginning with the top area working towards the below areas. 
  4. Follow a 2-step cleaning method. First, clean the hard surfaces with a neutral-PH detergent and water, followed by an approved disinfectant.
  5. Carpets and soft furnishings need to be steam-cleaned before being reused.
  6. Place all disposable clothes and PPE in a rubbish bin, tie them, and dispose as biohazard waste. 

Contact Kleen Slate Services for Professional COVID Cleaning

Keep in mind that with the COVID-19 pandemic, good vessel hygiene is crucial to support the health, safety, and happiness of the crew, vessel, passengers and keeping our community safe. Don’t second guess COVID 19 vessel cleaning. 

Seek professional help to clean and disinfect your vessel in compliance with WA Health protocol. Enquire at Kleen Slate Services today.

Lewis Harriman

Lewis Harriman is an award winning entrepreneur. His business, Kleen Slate Services was named Business of the Year at the 2019 RKCC Mineral Resources Regional Business Awards. Certified by the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration, he provides Methamphetamine property testing and decontamination cleaning, all property restoration services, trauma and crime scene forensic clean-up, as well as range of cleaning services to domestic, commercial and industrial properties. He is a strong advocate for supporting local business, being members of BNI, Rockingham Kwinana Chamber of Commerce and Rockingham Business Sundowners.